New Youth Directory

We are putting together a *new* youth "picture" directory for the fall semeseter, and we need your help!

You can help us make this directory awesome by doing the following things:

  1. Checking the youth bulletin board on the 3rd floor (across from the small TV by the closet with the Pop machine in it) and making sure that your name, address, zip, phone #, email, & birthday are correct.  There are probably quite a few that need to be changed since this is from the church's old records.  PLEASE help the communications committee out by making these corrections.

  2. For the next month, we will be taking pictures of you for the directory.  Please don't be camera shy.  We want all the youth to have their pictures in the directory.  We will be taking pictures Sunday Mornings @ Sunday School, Sunday Evenings @ UMYF, and @ Wednesday Share Group.


Either talk to a member of the communications committee (Carlyn J., Cheslea L., Luke S., or Tad K.), or email Tad.